www.fedworld.gov URL sez it
U.S. Government Search Northern Lights'
intel.links Intelligence and CounterIntelligence
U.S. House of Representatives
U.S. Senate
WHITEHOUSE Q-clearance denied? Visit online!
Aeronautical Information Manual
Federal Election Commission Revealing Campaign Finance Data & Searches
FEC Info Links
Library of Congress
ODIC Office of the Director of Central Intelligence
ecommerce.gov U.S. Gov't Electronic Commerce Policy
U.S. Mint
DOS/CA Travel warnings & Consular Info Sheets
Government Printing Office Data online
SEC For the security minded
DRMS Need an aircraft carrier? Surplus U.S. Government sales.
TREASURY'S scratch 'n' dent page
Freedom of Information Act Resources
50 STATES N.B. To locate state homepage, click-n-type state abbreviation. (e.g. Hawaii would be www.state.HI.us).
States' DOTs tours. Helpful.
Patent and Tradmark Office
Embassy Network Embassies worldwide.
JANE'S military-oriented search
Gary Tate's interesting site